Weather forecasts for Alta Badia
Sun, rain, snow?
How will the weather be in Alta Badia? Here are the current conditions and forecasts for the next few days! This weather service is updated daily and helps you plan your holiday. For further questions please just give us a call: we are always at your disposal!
Current weather
During the early morning hours, residual clouds will tend to thin out, leaving room for the sun to shine from a generally clear sky. Föhn wind easing, east wind in the upper Pustertal.
Maximum temperatures between 0° and 9°.
Next evolution
The weather on Friday will also be very sunny with clear skies.
No substantial changes in weather conditions are expected on Saturday. Sunshine will dominate in the sky.
On Sunday, clouds will arrive from the south during the day.
Also on Monday, the sky will be between variably and very cloudy.
Weather in the mountains
Weather in the mountains
The pressure over the Alps will tend to increase, guaranteeing stable winter weather.
The residual early morning clouds will tend to dissipate rapidly with the arrival of the sun. The currents will be from the east and will still blow with strong intensity.
Mountain weather tomorrow
The pressure over the Alps will tend to increase, guaranteeing stable winter weather.
The residual early morning clouds will tend to dissipate rapidly with the arrival of the sun. The currents will be from the east and will still blow with strong intensity.
© Weather service Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano